That prison thingy, what was it? Abu something?
"We do not torture," Mr. Bush told reporters...
That prison thingy, what was it? Abu something?
"We do not torture," Mr. Bush told reporters...
Our president is full of it. But, I guess that's just politics.
Heh, "Poli" is latin meaning "many." Tics are blood-sucing creatures... fits pretty well I'd say
that girl, at 07 November, 2005 21:07
I have been told by Bush apologists that the comment was made in reference to future events - apparently there's a bill in Congress that would disallow us from torturing POWs to extract information. I pointed out that we already signed such a bill back in 1925 (3rd Geneva Convention), but apparently, Act 17 just isn't clear enough:
"No physical or mental torture, nor any other form of coercion, may be inflicted on prisoners of war to secure from them information of any kind whatever. Prisoners of war who refuse to answer may not be threatened, insulted or exposed to unpleasant or disadvantageous treatment of any kind."
Yeah, I can see where one might get confused about whether or not it's allowed.
Anyway, the apologists claim Bush was making said comments because he thinks the bill is a bad idea. He claims we already do not torture POWs, and as such, the bill will only serve to hinder our operations. His reasoning? The Enemy [TM] must always be wary of us. If they know we won't torture them, they'll become more brash. Or something.
Also of interest, apparently Cheney wants an addendum to the bill, one which grants the CIA immunity. Seeing as how they already run Black Ops prisons, I fail to see how this would be any different, but then, I'm not in politics.
Stephonovich, at 08 November, 2005 02:05
Oh yes, I can certainly see his logic... o_O
I think our country would benifit from someone in politics who had your logic... or any logic at all...
As for Act 17, what you must understand about our country of equality for all is that apparantly our constitution that we worship so only extends to cover "normal folk," and excluding the President... and anyone he deems worth of being above the law. I mean, come on! he's the king!! I mean... um... president.
that girl, at 09 November, 2005 22:11
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