A Modicum of Sanity


I got a forward today via email. Nothing unusual, and I usually delete them. However, for some reason, I opened this one. Hmm. "Chocolate Math"? Sounds stupid, but it's just a few simple math problems. Waitaminute... it worked! So I checked with a couple other people, and yes, it does. Examine the steps, do some Googling, confirm my suspicions. Brilliantly simple, but still cool. Can you figure it out?

  1. Pick the number of times a week that you would like to have chocolate. Make sure it's more than once but less than 10.
  2. Multiply this number by 2
  3. Add 5.
  4. Multiply it by 50.
  5. If you've already had your birthday this year, add 1755. If you haven't, then add 1754.
  6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.
  7. You should now have a three digit number.
  8. The first digit of this is your original number (how many times you want to have chocolate each week).
  9. The next two numbers are your age.


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