War! It ain't nothing
But a heartbreaker.
War! Friend only to the undertaker.
Ooooh, war!
It's an enemy to all mankind;
The point of war blows my mind.
-Edwin Starr, War
Yet more civilian deaths in Iraq. Apparently that's par for staying the course. Or whatever the excuse of the moment is. "Regrettable, tragic incident." Incident?! A traffic violation is an incident. Killing a family traveling home from a funeral (won't even get into that one...) isn't. At the very least, it's a casualty.
I'm not blaming the soldiers. I'd be pretty jumpy too, with how many bombings have gone on. No, the finger points squarely to Our Glorious and Exalted Leader. Apparently, there is currently a plan undergoing review that would begin withdrawing soldiers in 2006. 2,000 or so. And this only if certain milestones are met. Good God, ya'll...
It's all just horrible. Absolutely horrible. I hate it. I blame it on Bush. Good lord, is it 2008 yet?
that girl, at 22 November, 2005 11:33
I keep hoping for some major scandal, myself. Impeachment would be fun.
Stephonovich, at 24 November, 2005 12:48
haha! yes indeed it would be.
I hope you enjoyed your turkey and ham and other such things this thanksgiving. I know my family enjoyed the turkey and lamb. I had quite a time with the corn and brussel sprouts. Mmmm... Alas, dad made me eat some salmon. "want some salmon, farrah?" "Not really..." **he puts a huge slab on my plate** "eat up!" o_O thanks...
Thank you for the advice. You actually did help a lot.
To answer your question... I have absolutely no idea. It still baffles me. Funny thing is, they drive me nuts, too, but here I am. Maybe that's one factor of my utter confusion. We look at the world so differently... (and your question was not at all rude, silly boy!)
Wow... long comment. Sorry 'bout that. Talk to ya later ^_^
that girl, at 24 November, 2005 17:13
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