US "to reduce its forces in Iraq", apparently.
Well, that just sets me right at ease. Encouraging the hope. Have to make sure we're optimistic about maybe starting to withdraw next year.
Rumsey had this to say on the subject...
Is it just me, or should senior officials really not be using phrases like "by golly"? It just makes them sound... like someone who should not be holding positions of power. That, and then euphemisms. I hate euphemisms. If you're passionate about a subject, don't degrade it by throwing around pansy words. Change the above to "damn" and look how much more forceful it looks: "They're doing a damned good job and they're doing an increasingly better job every day, every week, every month." OK, so the grammar is still crap, but that's his fault, not mine. Still. Pisses me off. Dubya and his evil Righteous Right. I want a leader that's not afraid to speak his mind. No, Dubya doesn't. If he did, he'd become even more of a laughingstock.
Oh, and finally; this, your moment of Zen:
Ouch. Dubya is thinking. The world is in trouble.
EDIT: There is hope yet. Dubya is "a moron, an idiot or a nefarious bastard." (Taken insanely out of context, which I normally loathe, but hey, it's accurate anyway...)
The Bush administration is now actively encouraging the hope that some American troops will pull out of Iraq next year.
Well, that just sets me right at ease. Encouraging the hope. Have to make sure we're optimistic about maybe starting to withdraw next year.
Rumsey had this to say on the subject...
"We've been passing over bases... we've been turning over responsibilities, but by golly the people who've been denigrating the Iraqi security forces are flat wrong."
"They're doing a darned good job and they're doing an increasingly better job every day, every week, every month."
Is it just me, or should senior officials really not be using phrases like "by golly"? It just makes them sound... like someone who should not be holding positions of power. That, and then euphemisms. I hate euphemisms. If you're passionate about a subject, don't degrade it by throwing around pansy words. Change the above to "damn" and look how much more forceful it looks: "They're doing a damned good job and they're doing an increasingly better job every day, every week, every month." OK, so the grammar is still crap, but that's his fault, not mine. Still. Pisses me off. Dubya and his evil Righteous Right. I want a leader that's not afraid to speak his mind. No, Dubya doesn't. If he did, he'd become even more of a laughingstock.
Oh, and finally; this, your moment of Zen:
"...may encourage further the sense that Mr. Bush is now thinking hard about how to begin to leave Iraq."
Ouch. Dubya is thinking. The world is in trouble.
EDIT: There is hope yet. Dubya is "a moron, an idiot or a nefarious bastard." (Taken insanely out of context, which I normally loathe, but hey, it's accurate anyway...)
Two things:
1) HA HA HA! I have absolutely no respect for our Glorious Leader. I do so hope we pull out of Iraq. That would totally make my day... and week... and month... and year for that fact. As for the strong language, I agree. My Lit teacher once said "don't be stupid!" But on topic, he once said "If you're going to say something about what you believe, don't give people all that 'in my humble oppinion' crap. Say "This is what I believe and it's right! Deal with it!"" Good words.
2) I love how I have to look up half of what you say in order to understand it at all. That really makes me smile. Thank you. You rock ^_^
that girl, at 30 November, 2005 15:48
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