The 1000th execution under capital punishment will be taking place shortly. In my state of residency, unfortunately. I haven't fully come to a conclusion for myself about the death penalty. I'm opposed to it, but I have yet to come up with a decent alternative. Life in prison isn't the same. But look at it, seriously. "We're going to kill you to show you that killing is wrong." Yeah, that makes sense.
Though it does not make sense, it works... i mean, c'mon. How many guys who got the chair kill again?
So... I'm with ya on this one. No clue... at all...
that girl, at 02 December, 2005 08:30
Hey... I just got your comment. I hope your... situation (whatever it may be) worked out
that girl, at 02 December, 2005 11:10
mornin'! Just droppin' a line inquiring upon your sister. How is Kyra doing today? Hope all is well. Swell talkin' to ya last night. Have a grand day... and have fun on your run!
that girl, at 03 December, 2005 10:47
why on earth are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong. In fact, i meant to thank you for hangin' out after church with me. That really meant the world to me.
have a grand evening
that girl, at 13 December, 2005 22:55
man, you're awesome. Thank you
that girl, at 15 December, 2005 13:54
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