Dubya is still defending his little spy network. You know, generally when someone's backing into corners and rattling off excuses, there's something amiss.
Apparently Ashcroft actually refused to support parts of the bill. When Ashcroft won't support something, you know it's heinous.
Oh, but wait:
Wow. I feel better now. I mean, there's limits. Er, wait. Limits of the "There ought to be limits to freedom" type? Uh-oh...
Apparently Ashcroft actually refused to support parts of the bill. When Ashcroft won't support something, you know it's heinous.
Oh, but wait:
"This is a limited program designed to prevent attacks on the United States of America and, I repeat, limited."
Wow. I feel better now. I mean, there's limits. Er, wait. Limits of the "There ought to be limits to freedom" type? Uh-oh...
yeah... it is at points in time such as this that I become very afraid.
that girl, at 03 January, 2006 10:14
**feels like an idiot**
totally forgot to mention this... Saturday afternoon at like 1:30-ish 2 o'clock-ish some of my friends and me are meeting down at the Marble Slab downtown Asheville to just hang out and stuff. Folks from various churches, places, etc. So, yeah, you're totally invited and it'd be boss if you could make it, but if you can't that's cool. This is short notice, i know... sorry :/
Also sorry I had to hang up so quickly tonight **curses phone charger**
that girl, at 05 January, 2006 23:03
I'm probably working. But perhaps not. I'll call you after I get my schedule tomorrow.
Oh, it's "Some of my friends and I". The Grammar Nazi strikes again!
Stephonovich, at 06 January, 2006 02:28
I'm sorry >_<
that girl, at 06 January, 2006 21:25
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