God, I hate people. "Oh, he's only 12." Only 12? Hell, when I was 6, I knew not to touch other people's stuff. Especially $1.5M paintings. While I'm not in favor of corporal punishment, I'd say beat him just for the hell of it. And then stick him with the bill. Not his parents. Make that a stipulation. I have no idea what sort of prices art restoration commands, but let's say $10,000 for a nice round figure. He's 12, so he can jolly well start mowing lawns. Once he's 16, hey, McDonald's. Perhaps he'll "understand the severity [of the situation]" once all his income is going towards this.
it's a horrible thing not to raise kids better than that. There really is no excuse for such behavior
that girl, at 01 March, 2006 17:15
(hehe, check it out! i'm getting better at short comments. yay me ^_^)
that girl, at 01 March, 2006 17:16
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