A Modicum of Sanity


This is just hilarious. Fundies are accused of hosting what protestors described as "a 'fascist mega-pep rally.'". Ooh, fascism. That's harsh.

I also loved their plan to release a Christian version of MySpace. Apparently, it's a cesspool of evil, and by making their own (where presumably they actually enforce policies that MySpace already has, such as pornographic profile pictures. Hehe, three Ps. PPP. I laugh), they can make a happy, safe, sheltered place for their kids. Nevermind the fact that only the ultra-churchy ones will actually use it, and even then, none of their friends will, negating the entire idea.

Also, it seems same-sex marriages are a sign of the Impending Apocalypse. In uppercase, mind you. Even bolded, because I care.

It's people like this that make me wish there were any decent protests-against-protests here. That's the problem with Asheville - there's plenty of great protests, but they're all downtown, and always liberal. So what you essentially have is a gathering of like-minded people. The day they take them to Weaverville is the day the fun starts. Or Mars Hill. Hehe... college... yeah, that'd be great.


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