Yes, I know. Two posts in one day. But this is, quite frankly, bloody amazing.
Beeb and NY Times. If this turns out to be true, Bush is in a whole lot of trouble. At least he damn well better be. I see no possible way he could weasel his way out of this. Not only planning and encouraging a war, but deliberately provoking? Absolutely amazing. This quote really says it all...
Beeb and NY Times. If this turns out to be true, Bush is in a whole lot of trouble. At least he damn well better be. I see no possible way he could weasel his way out of this. Not only planning and encouraging a war, but deliberately provoking? Absolutely amazing. This quote really says it all...
"Our diplomatic strategy had to be arranged around the military planning."-David Manning, Chief Foreign Policy Adviser to Tony Blair.
**sigh** are we really all that suprised? Sadly, no.
also, totally un-related, nice profile pic.
that girl, at 28 March, 2006 12:38
If I recall, most of the [liberal] media was saying the war, excuse me, conflict, was started for three reasons. Oil, military stronghold in the Middle East, and daddy. 2 out of 3 ain't bad - since we haven't seen a blessed drop of their precious stocks.
Stephonovich, at 29 March, 2006 15:29
Eh? I just changed this a couple days ago. And yes, it's an old-ish picture (think I was... 15?), but my hair is roughly the same length, so I look pretty much the same.
Stephonovich, at 29 March, 2006 22:02
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