A Modicum of Sanity


Freedom suppressed and again regained bites with keener fangs than freedom never endangered.
-Marcus Tullius Cicero


9/11. A horrific event by any stretch of the imagination. But what if our own government was responsible? Yes, responsible. Responsible for the deaths of 2,752 people in New York. For over 2,800 (and counting) military deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq. For almost 5,000 civilian deaths in Afghanistan, and almost 40,000 civilian deaths in Iraq. And all for what? The economy is shit, so it can't be that. Security? If you believe DHS, we're constantly under a 'significant risk of terrorist attacks'. (Yellow - around the holidays they usually bump it up to Orange for that warm fuzzy feeling) So that's out. Civil rights? PATRIOT Act, anyone? Yeah, I didn't think so. What's it for, then? In my opinion, it ultimately boils down to control, with things like money (and lots of it) and personal projects taking sidelines. But control is the root of all of it. Control of U.S. Citizens, control of foreign countries, control of corporations... control. After all...



-1984, Chapter I

But anyway, enough of the sidetracks. Our government perpetrated one of the largest terrorist attacks in recent history, and got away with it? Preposterous. Or is it? Loose Change doesn't think so. Here's Wikipedia's write-up of it, Google Video's copy of the video in it's entirety, and finally, a torrent of the DVD (Xvid), compliments of Mininova. What's a torrent? I turn again to m'verygoodfriends at Wikipedia for a most excellent description. Mine came down at around 200KBPS, so let's keep seeding, shall we? I should also point out that the producers encourage sharing the movie, so don't have any qualms about downloading it.

All I (and the producers of the film) ask is that you watch it with an open mind. Forget any pre-conceived notions you may harbor about conspiracy theories, government cover-ups, and the like. Just watch, think, and discuss. That is all.

On a side note, should anyone be desirous of a copy of this film, but for some reason (*cough*dial-up*cough*) is unable to view it, I will be more than happy to send you a CD. It's viewable on a computer, [modded] Xbox, and some very lucky DVD players. Alternatively, if I care enough about you, I can convert it to DVD standard and burn it proper.


Say: O disbelievers! I worship not that which ye worship; Nor worship ye that which I worship. And I shall not worship that which ye worship. Nor will ye worship that which I worship. Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion.

-Qur'an 109:1-6, Picktall Translation

The last verse in particular I find interesting. In a different translation (M Asad), it becomes even more forward and blunt: "Unto you, your moral law, and unto me, mine!"

Explain to me again how Islam is a religion of hate.

Maltheism: The belief that [a] god exists, but is not omnibenevolent, and possibly dualist. See also here and here for more information.

I find this a fascinating idea, and am quite frankly suprised I haven't thought of it before. Alright, so God exists. But he/she/it is actually much more like the Greek and Roman gods - enjoys wreaking havoc every now and then. Satan is actually a psuedonym created so he/she/it can appear good, while still getting to cause suffering.

I think it's summed up beautifully in this [paraphrased]:
What exactly is God saving us from, if not his own willful wrath? Isn't that akin to calling a bully your savior for not beating you up when you give him your lunch money?
So, God's a bully. Or put slightly more extreme (and more accurate, if indeed God is responsible for so many deaths), a terrorist. Makes you want to run right out and give thanks, doesn't it?


This is brilliant.

My humble attempt...
Draw line.
Bend around.
Was straight, is curved.
Continuous, eternally perfect.
Sever, deflate, reduce. Perfection lost. Play again?

On a side note, to those claiming "point" is two syllables, I proudly present dipthongs. No, I'd never heard of them either. See? You learn something new every day. And why did I use deux rather than two? It sounded cooler, and I figured more people would know deux than zwei.


A little child, young and innocent.
He greets every morning with a smile,
for there is nothing to fear.
At night he says no prayers,
for there is nothing to fear.
"To church you must go," cries a friend.
There he learns of hell and sin,
of imperfection and innocence lost.
He greets every morning wondering,
"Can I be perfect today?"
Broken and sullied, he cries,
for there is everything to fear.