A Modicum of Sanity


Think of this as a continuation to the last post. Why? this article. Made me think. A lot. I never really thought about it, but at one level, porn is really no better or worse than any other addiction - drugs, gambling, what-have-you. It has just as much destructive capability as any of those. OK, so maybe you won't die from porn... unless someone got jealous and killed you, I suppose. But hey, I like my analogy. So let it be.

Anyway, on that, I think it should be discussed and dealt with more openly. If it's such an epidemic, it should be treated as such, instead of being shoved into a corner.

The other point the article made that I wanted to discuss was males not being naturally monogamous. I've heard this before. If indeed we are nothing more than highly (some would disagree on how high) evolved animals, I suppose it's true. With [most] animals, the males only thought is to produce as many offspring as possible. It's for this reason that male lions will kill off all cubs produced by another male when he takes over the pride. He wants his genetics to be passed on.

Despite this, though, we have progressed past that. Monogamy, artificial though it may be, is a good thing. It encourages a level of intimacy that isn't possible with multiple partners. When you have only one, you tend to hang on to them much tighter.

So where am I going with all this? Well, I'm trying to decide if it's a cheap way out to claim base instincts make males seek out extramarital/relationship (don't have to be married to cheat, after all) affairs, including porn. After all, if we can blame it on the monkeys, not our fault, eh? I don't think so, though. We don't [usually] go around killing people just because we feel like it (War excluded - that's a giant leap backwards if ever there was one).

Also of note, I was thinking about my "Stop pushing your morals on other people" bit. Yes, it's all well and good, until you get to something that's universally agreed to be a Bad Thing [TM]: murder, rape, theft, and so on. These are still committed on a daily basis. So obviously some people don't have a problem with them. If it's right for them, who are we to contradict them? And in the case of theft, to pull an example out, people's opinions change constantly. Illegal downloading, for instance. I would hazard a guess that the majority of people online do it. It's still illegal; I don't disagree there. I don't consider it wrong, for reasons I'm not going to go into here. But it is still very much illegal. Or how about in case of emergency? The old question, "If your family was starving, and there was a case of food just laying in front of a store, would you take it"? Many people would say yes. Still theft. Justifiable, perhaps, but still theft.

The best I can come up with the above is that you should be free to do what you want so long as it doesn't interfere with other people's ability to do the same. Murder, rape, and other such crimes against someone would do so. So would theft, if it was their own personal property. I think I'm going to have to go with "It's always wrong, but sometimes justifiable."

I really haven't managed to make any points at all. But that's OK, I guess. Food for thought. Still not sure whether or not porn is ever acceptable, which was the original topic. But no matter. Thinking is good.


Society needs a big fat slap upside the head.

OH NOES, TEH PR0N!!1 Get over it. Seeking legal action and counseling? Uh-huh. Let's break out the stereotypes, because it's fun, and more than likely true in this case. Redneck/white trash (possibly single) mother buys cheap DVD player at Wal-Mart. Brings it home, finds porn. First thought is "LAWSUIT!" Think of the children, after all.

And with quotes like this... "For them to see what they seen, it's not right," she said. "...what they seen..."? Yep, we're literate. All the way through 3rd grade.

Honestly, what's wrong with taking it back, getting a replacement, and most likely an effusive apology and a gift card? Yeah, someone goofed. It's not the end of the world. But no. Let's sue someone, instead.

I do wonder how the poor, innocent children saw this in the first place, though. Beside the fact that practically every DVD made has a menu and multiple options (I'm assuming porn does the same - maybe they even have Making Ofs and interviews), requiring you to hit "Play" to watch it, wouldn't the menus themselves be a tip-off? This ain't Disney, kids. And who the hell gets a DVD player home, and hits "Play" without putting a disc in first? The whole thing reeks of deceit. And what about the warnings? I assume there's some sort of "18+" type of thing beforehand. Contrary to popular belief, porn producers are not filthy perverts who want to corrupt your children. They have a multi-billion dollar business to consenting adults, and they'd like to keep it that way.

And while on that subject, why do Americans freak out about porn so much? Correction: why do they simultaneously consume and complain? Hey, it's naked people having sex. (as opposed to clothed people having sex, I suppose) Whoo-hoo. It's not degrading. Yes, it treats people as objects. But guess what? That's pretty much what sex is. Admittedly, if you have an actual relationship, it will (can?) bring you closer, make a deeper connection with the person, and generally be an all around good time. But let's be honest. What are you actually thinking about during the moment? Not a whole lot. It feels good. Sex, at it's root, is about feeling good. If there's a lonely person who just wants to feel good, isn't porn a safer (and cheaper) alternative to random hook-ups, or a whore?

Also, have you ever watched/heard interviews with the porn actors/actresses? Some of them are smarter than the mainstream media stars. They're not just sluts and manwhores running around fucking all day. It's a job. They've got their job, and then their life.

If you have a problem with porn, don't watch it. Stop pushing your morals on other people. The rest of the world seems to be able to grasp that concept. Why can't we?


Yes, I know. Two posts in one day. But this is, quite frankly, bloody amazing.

Beeb and NY Times. If this turns out to be true, Bush is in a whole lot of trouble. At least he damn well better be. I see no possible way he could weasel his way out of this. Not only planning and encouraging a war, but deliberately provoking? Absolutely amazing. This quote really says it all...
"Our diplomatic strategy had to be arranged around the military planning."
-David Manning, Chief Foreign Policy Adviser to Tony Blair.

This is just hilarious. Fundies are accused of hosting what protestors described as "a 'fascist mega-pep rally.'". Ooh, fascism. That's harsh.

I also loved their plan to release a Christian version of MySpace. Apparently, it's a cesspool of evil, and by making their own (where presumably they actually enforce policies that MySpace already has, such as pornographic profile pictures. Hehe, three Ps. PPP. I laugh), they can make a happy, safe, sheltered place for their kids. Nevermind the fact that only the ultra-churchy ones will actually use it, and even then, none of their friends will, negating the entire idea.

Also, it seems same-sex marriages are a sign of the Impending Apocalypse. In uppercase, mind you. Even bolded, because I care.

It's people like this that make me wish there were any decent protests-against-protests here. That's the problem with Asheville - there's plenty of great protests, but they're all downtown, and always liberal. So what you essentially have is a gathering of like-minded people. The day they take them to Weaverville is the day the fun starts. Or Mars Hill. Hehe... college... yeah, that'd be great.


Biased, much?

OK, I can understand the emotions. But "Hunters begin clubbing, shooting baby seals"? Yeah, that's neutral. I hate media bias of any type; not just right-wing. They just happen to be funnier.

That's why I love The Beeb. Compare its article on the same piece. Notice the neutral POV. They have quotes from both sides, and manage to avoid drawing opinions themselves.


A thought occurred to me today. Well, yesterday.

You see, for the past month or so, I have been hurtling towards the state of brokeness. As in out of money. I was laid off at some point roughly a month ago(the exact date escapes me), which would be when my journey began. Luckily for me, I hadn't spent much of my previous paycheck, and I also had my tax refund. Well, state, anyway. I'd already blown the federal one. Anyhoo, between those two, and my final paycheck, I had somewhere in the neighborhood of $200. You remember when you were a little kid, and even $10 seemed like this huge amount? And $100 was something so amazingly huge, you couldn't even comprehend it? I did, anyway. But yeah. Those days are gone. $200 doesn't go very far at all. What disturbs me is that I have nothing to show for it. As far as I can tell, it was spent entirely on gas and Waffle House. Gas for my car runs about $15 every 1-1.5 weeks, so figure at most, $60. So, $140. That's a lot of waffles.

In any case, a couple days ago, I was reduced to scrounging change from my car. I actually had a sizeable amount; $2.76, if I remember correctly. I also had a $1 Sacagawea Dollar that I'd been hanging onto, so $3.76. Went to Waffle House with this, and was thrilled to discover that a friend who owed me some paltry sum had brought Mr. Hamilton along, and informed me he'd give me the change. My jingly contribution was reduced to somewhere around $1.50 by the end of the meal, due to friends hiding coins (OK, so 60 something pennies is a bit of a temptation...), putting them into [nearly] empty creamer containers (occasionally re-filling them with syrup), and the like. But still. All was well. This was actually the 2nd time I had ended up richer coming out of a resturant than going in. Strangely enough, the other time was also at a Waffle House.

Anyway, after then putting $5 worth of gas into my car, I had $3 left. $1.70 or so went to coffee the next morning (bastard Starbucks... free coffee my eye. And it was horrible, to boot), so I had $1 in my wallet. Wow. Yeah, that could be a problem.

Then, the other day, lo and behold, my parents for absolutely no reason, give me $20. No explanation, no begging. Just gave it out.

Now, at long last, we swing back to my opening statement. The Thought. Had this situation taken place as little as a year ago, I would have very likely been praying about it for quite some time. Presumably, parents would have done the exact same thing. Result? I'd get money from an unexpected place, and attribute it to God. I realized that not only had I not prayed, I haven't tithed in ages, nor have I really done anything remotely spiritual.

I'm still not sure what this means. Could further cement the argument that god doesn't exist. Could also be that she/he/it (trying to stop using the male pronoun when discussing deities - misogynistic and historically inaccurate. Besides, she/he/it is funny. Say it. Then laugh) is trying to lure me back with promises of cash. That really wouldn't suprise me, but it would rather fly in the face of Christian doctrine. At least some of it. Would probably jive perfectly with others. But I digress. There's also the distinct possibility that god is completely unconcerned with our relatively insignificant lives, and whether or not I have money is of no concern.

Food for thought.


You know what makes life good? Neither do I, but I'm pretty sure I've found it. Life's funny like that. The best things are illogical.


Attention: I can now post via SMS. Compelling reason to add picture mail, methinks. Anyway, yes. Now you can enjoy me thrice as much. (not twice)

There are so many things wrong with this, I don't know where to begin.


God is dead... and you have killed him for me.

-With apologies to Nietzsche

What do I mean by this? Much the same that Nietzsche originally meant. Not that God has literally died - that would imply he once lived, and would also nullify his omnipotence, thereby removing his deity. I mean that the idea of God, such as it is, is dead to me. An all-loving, all-knowing, all-caring protector. Sounds great, doesn't it? He's like Santa Claus, except better. Always listens to you, helps you when you're scared, and so on. Sadly, such childhood innocence cannot last, and so we are then thrust into theology. Turns out God is a very confused and angry individual according to much of the Christian community. Not only has he commited atrocities that a lesser being would be hung for, he then splits off into two, and possibly three distinct entities that all give conflicting advice.

So it is with this that I must bid adieu to the entire idea. Placing one's hope and trust in an invisble sky being is not only silly, but quite possibly harmful. It saddens me, though, that I no longer can pour out my soul to the air and have my subconscious advise under the guise of answered prayer. Ah well. Life moves on.